Guerrilla History & Urban Exploration

Invisible Frontier: Exploring the Tunnels, Ruins, and Rooftops of Hidden New York [Book]

Available from Amazon (Paperback)

Deyo, LB & Leibowitz, David.
Invisible Frontier: Exploring the Tunnels, Ruins, and Rooftops of Hidden New York.
Three Rivers Press, New York, 2003
ISBN-13: 978-0609809310

WNYC Radiolab: Urban Exploration

WNYC Radio Broadcast, New York, December 5, 2003

From WNYC Website (http://www.wnyc.org/shows/radiolab/episodes/2003/12/05)

Flipper Goes Underground
Swedish radio producer, Marcus Lindeen follows a the urban-exploring collective Jinx, hopping fences and digging around abandoned buildings. Is this growing trend of budget adventure travel, or a Do-It-Yourself horror film in the making?
Producer: Marcus Lindeen, Flipper
Jinx Magazine

National Swedish Radio

National Swedish Radio (Broadcast in Swedish), Produced by Marcus Lindeen.

From the Swedish Radio website (http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/p3/programsidor/artikel.asp?ProgramID=2164&artikel=548505)
Urban Exploring
Urban Exploration går ut på att man ger sig ut i staden och försöker utforska gömda platser som är bortglömda och övergivna, för att på så sätt upptäcka staden på nytt. Det kan handla om allt från att bryta sig in i ett utblåst sjukhus till att ta sig ner till gamla övergivna tunnelbanestationer långt under marken. Flippers Marcus Lindeen följde med urban exploration-gruppen Jinx på en av deras expeditioner i New York. Inslaget har också sänts i det experimentella dokumentärprogrammet Radiolab på amerikanska radiostationen WNYC.

 Urban Exploring 1
 Urban Exploring 2

mMode Magazine: The Last Explorers

mMode Magazine

"The Last Explorers"

Fall/Winter 2003, Pages 28-31.

Photos by Joshua Paul, Text by David "Lefty" Leibowitz.

Men's Journal: Urban Exploring: The Last Frontier

Men's Journal

"Urban Exploring: The Last Frontier"

September 2003, Pages 23-24.

Photos by Shaul Schwarz, Text by Jonathan Miles.

New York Times: PsyGeoConflux Festival (Photo only)

New York Times
Article on PsyGeoConflux Festival 2003
May 12, 2003
Metro Section, Page B6
Photo by Michelle Agins

Front Magazine: Urban Gorillas, February 2003

Front Magazine (UK)
“Urban Gorillas”
Issue 53, February 2003, Pages 94-97.
Photos and Text by Alan Emmins

VSD (France), January 2-8, 2003

VSD (France)
"Aux Frontieres de l'Equilibre"
Number 1323, January 2-8, 2003, Pages 78-83.
Photos by Shaul Schwarz, Text by Delphine Berger